What can i do to protect my car from scratches?

We would highly recommend IGL Ceramic Coating, as that will be the most cost effective way to protect your paint from swirl and scratches. Bare in mind that deep scratch or improper washing technique can cause the ceramic coating to be scratched.

Another way to protect your car from scratches is installing STEK Paint Protection Film(PPF). PPF is physical film that lays on top of the paint. Protects the paint from stone chips, scratches, and swirls.


I just got a brand new car, what service do you recommend?

Firstly, congratulations on your new ride! We always recommend to protect the car when it is new. As new car’s paint are not very contaminated, and with minimum environmental damage. This is the best time to protect and seals the paint.

The question is “How much would you spend to protect your asset?”

You can choose from any of our ceramic coating packages.

i accidentally spilled drinks in my car, do you have any service for that?

Yes we do have service for cleaning up the spills. It depends on which area is the liquid was spilled, we can target the specific spot to save you money. For our interior package, please click here.

Please contact us directly for quotation: +6737230456.

does ceramic coating really makes my car shine?

YES! Definitely! Provided that your car’s clear coat is still in a good condition. Before we apply ceramic coating, we will need to polish the paint surface to restore the oxidized and faded paint. As well as removing scratches and swirls. Once the paint surface is polished, ceramic coating will then be applied. IGL Ceramic Coating will enhance the gloss and seals it for years to come without re-polishing.

What is ceramic coating?

In short, Ceramic Coating is a second skin on car’s surface. It act like a sacrificial layer that protects the paint from environmental damage such as: Acid rains, Bird Dropping, UV-Rays, etc.

For further information, please click here.


Firstly, there’s always a misconception about ceramic coating and layerings. Some brand promoted that more layer means better. But in real world, 2 layers are more than sufficient (common practice for most ceramic coating brand on the market). As ceramic coating are bonded to porous surface, applying multiple layers will not have any benefits, because a cured ceramic coating is not porous.

Why 2 layers?
To covers area that were missed during the first pass (1st layer). Ensuring all areas are covered with the coating.


Different coating formulation have different reaction to the clear coats of the car, and the environment. For example, IGL POLY Ceramic Coating has a durability of 1 year, where else IGL KENZO Ceramic Coating has a durability of 4 years. The main difference between the two coating is the formulation and the component used. To keep it simple, IGL POLY uses 70% active material in its formulation, and IGL KENZO uses 100% active material in its formulation. Hence, it makes KENZO much more durable than POLY.